Glossary: Master Keys | Thinking





Artificial Intelligence (AI)




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like money
– it is a good servant but a bad master

~ VadiK


Artificial intelligence (AI)
is the quasi-intelligence of computer systems developed by humans as the simulation of human intelligence processes.




AI can be a replacement for human intelligence in some processes.

In entrepreneurial creativity, innovation, and proactive futuring, unimaginative, uncreative and passionless AI cannot replace human intelligence, but can be a well-informed assistant, speed amplifier and force multiplier.





In business, AI helps automate the mundane, innovate wiser, scale smarter, prevent and solve problems, make decisions faster, adapt better to changing market demands.


Synergy of AI and Human Intelligence

AI BRICS Alliance




Artificial Quasi-Intelligence (AqI) vs. Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

2025 Status

Strictly peaking,

It’s not AI yet, it’s AqI

"Artificial Intelligence" is currently not intelligence yet, it's quasi-intelligence (AqI), an imitation of intelligence. "Quasi" means apparently but not really; seemingly.




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) outstanding business trainer and speaker

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an all-seeing assistant but a blind leader."

~ VadiK


Creative Experiments with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Writer

Examples of Writing by AI

AI-generated To-Do Lists based on the Texts of Songs

I Have a Difference To Make!

Imagine  ▪  The Thrill Is Gone

My Way  ▪  Give Me One Reason





Generative AI





Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that utilizes generative models to create new content such as text, images, videos, and synthesis of other forms of media. This technology leverages large datasets to identify patterns and produce original outputs, making it particularly useful in creative fields and for tasks like chat responses and design generation.





How to beat AI in creativity: KoRe method





AI Generation artificial intelligence AI addiction joke humor  

Beware of AI Addiction!

Some AI-Generation people get addicted to AI and  overuse artificial intelligence dramatically. They delegate sensitive vital parts of their life and business to soulless, unimaginative and far-from-being-perfect artificial quasi-intelligence (AqI).



Vadim Kotelnikov

AI is like money – it is a good servant but a bad master. AI is an all-seeing assistant, but a blind thought leader.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon