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One World, One Way, Many Paths

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World Cultures




Life Wisdom




American Indian Proverbs




Vadim Kotelnikov, American Indian proverbs

If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come.

American Indian proverb



Chinese Proverbs




Chinese proverb

A great man can bend and stretch.

Chinese proverb


Chinese proverb

The participant's perspectives are clouded while the bystander's views are clear.

Chinese proverb



Indian Proverbs




Indian Proverbs

Listen to popular opinion but follow your own mind.

Indian proverb



Japanese Proverbs




Japanese Proverbs

Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare.

Japanese proverb


Japanese Proverbs

Sometimes we need shady means
to tackle shady problems.

Japanese proverb



Russian Proverbs




Russian proverbs

Live for a century – learn for a century.

Russian proverb


Russian proverbs

Clever person likes to learn, and the fool – to teach.

Russian proverb




Zen Proverbs




Zen proverbs

Life is the only thing worth living for.

Everyday life is the way.

Zen proverb


Zen proverbs

When an ordinary man gains knowledge, he is a sage; when a sage gains understanding, he is an ordinary man.

Zen proverb