eLearning Trends

As you may know, the major feature of eLearning, or distance learning, is that it doesn’t mandate the presence of a full-time instructor, teacher, or mentor in the learning environment. This means that the learner is trained independently. Distance and devices don’t matter.

Training can be conducted at workplaces, in computer labs or on tablets of employees in any place convenient for them.

eLearning technologies are most effective in solving the following tasks:

1. Training new employees when it is necessary to quickly transfer a package of specific initial knowledge.

2. Operational training in new methods, standards, forms, programs, and systems.

3. Professional development of employees on specific topics, areas, areas, competencies.

So, now it’s about time we took a closer look at the key trends in eLearning. But if you want to learn more about developing or using e-learning solutions for business, go to website.


This is the presentation of educational material in small blocks and the instant consolidation of each block with microtasks.

According to studies, a student is able to actively perceive information for no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, microlearning takes place in this format: about 5 minutes of theory, and then practicing or taking a small test. After reviewing all the blocks, final assignments and tests are also usually presented.

Benefits of microlearning:

▪ Facilitates the assimilation of the material. Instead of bombarding the brain with an abundance of data, microlearning provides small chunks of information so that the learner can process them more efficiently

▪ Reduces fear of learning

▪ Increases motivation


It has been proven that the material is better absorbed by students if it is presented in the form of videos.

It is important to note that animated videos in a simplified form visualize technical schemes that are usually difficult to remember. Therefore, it is obvious that video microlearning is one of the main directions for the development of e-learning in the coming years.


Personalization is the development of learning materials based on the needs of students of different ages, educational levels, learning speeds, and so on.

It is obvious that all students, even in the same class or group, have different levels of accumulated knowledge. Modern technologies make learning as stress-free as possible and individualized as much as possible.

There are three main areas of personalization: digital classes, online courses, and personal chatbots.

‘Digital classrooms, says Arvin Vohra, online learning theorist, helps solve a typical teaching problem: the impossibility of implementing an individual approach to each student in a real classroom. Digital classrooms allow students of the same group to work on completely different tasks, and enable teachers to monitor their progress. You will be doing what you are interested in without interruption, instead of either trying to catch up with more academically successful students or having to wait for others to fully master the topic you have long covered.’

The efficacy of online courses depends on the already acquired knowledge, interests and preferences of the user. Therefore, it is important to give those users who have signed up for online courses the opportunity not to learn what they already know, and at the same time make sure they are given enough time to repeat any interesting or difficult material.

Personal chatbots are the latest technology that has only been introduced into online learning in the last year. It allows you to reveal the full potential of the student, since there is a human factor that prevents many students from realizing themselves fully in live communication.

The chatbot allows users to create their own character by choosing their appearance from more than 200 options. This enables students to form a new identity in the online classroom. For example, shy schoolchildren will be able to become more confident, etc.

Also, such an application can record a person’s voice and completely transform it, so even those who are afraid of public speaking will be able to speak in class.


Gamification of learning is the addition of game elements to the learning process: awards and achievements, a competitive aspect.

This method may include techniques such as:

▪ Achievement reward systems: badges, medals, cups, stars, etc. It works more efficiently if the materials contain both simple achievements and complex, multi-stage ones

▪ Gradual complication of tasks

▪ Creation of a fascinating plot or memorable bright characters

▪ Creating an effect of surprise (for example, a sharp plot twist or a new attribute that suddenly appears)


The socialization of learning implies the possibility of comparing one's own achievements with the achievements of colleagues. This can be achieved through a system of ratings, real-time comments, and group discussions of their achievements. Also, in training materials, you can introduce systems of likes and dislikes familiar to everyone on social networks.

Another important aspect of socialization can be the introduction of a system of voting for certain parts of courses or for the most interesting topics for users. This will allow the next students to choose the most successful and attractive courses.

It is no secret that many students feel more relaxed and comfortable in the situation of communication with their colleagues or classmates who are taking the same course than with teachers from whom they subconsciously distance themselves a little. Therefore, guided by this principle, several companies at once developed a peer-to-peer model, where a student interacts not with a teacher or expert, but with another student and learns from their counterpart’s experience and expertise.

Considering all these factors, we can safely assume that peer-to-peer learning will actively develop in the online environment in the coming years, creating the most familiar and comfortable conditions for students.

Big Data

Big Data is a set of methods for processing huge amounts of structured and unstructured data. This direction was formed in the late 2000s, when such research became technically feasible.

Obviously, the more data is collected about teachers, students, subjects, and so on, the easier it is to identify general trends, preferences, and behavior algorithms. That is, it helps, on the one hand, to make global decisions, on the other hand, to take another step towards the personalization of learning.

As eLearning becomes more and more popular all over the world, it is impossible to identify all its trends. We have highlighted the most important ones. Among others are augmented reality, the use of artificial intelligence for learning, situational learning, blended learning, various innovative methods of teaching people with disabilities, learning automation, learning via social networks, and much more. The future is coming and we must be ready for it!






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