



Prepare to Win the Battle of Employment

Sample Job Descriptions


Get Hired






Below is a list of some sample job descriptions − job overview and responsibilities.

In each Job Description, the text and the right column contain links to relevant chapters of Business e-Coach that will help you to build the desired skills and competencies.

Would you like to  STAND OUT?

  How To Get a Job a Great Company outstanding soft skills






Hiring Practices of Leading Innovative Companies




Peter Drucker management quotes

Rather than hiring for talent, charisma, or a broad set of skills, organizations would be better off if they prioritized effectiveness.



Elon Musk quotes on business, entrepreneurship, iunnovation, team, success, achievement

As much as possible, avoid hiring MBAs. MBA programs don't teach people how to create companies.

Elon Musk



MBA makes you eligible.

MBS makes you desirable



 Outstandingly Soft-Skilled Job Applicant how to get a great job




Dream Jobs

Writer    Inventor    Green Jobs

Nutritionist    Modeling

Software Engineer    Oil & Gas Engineer

HR Management    HR Development

Financial Consultant    CEO (Bank)

Marketing    Enabling Disabled

Entrepreneur (Trade)    Social Entrepreneur