In the new rapidly changing economy,
there are only two kinds of innovation-based companies: THE QUICK and THE DEAD.


3Ss of Winning in Business     Surprise To Win


Smart & Fast Thinker Breakthrough Thinker Emfographics Vadim Kotelnikov Smart & Fast Decision Maker Practice Serendipity 4 Levels of Problem Solving Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment Mindset How To Make New Habits Stick Intuition Ideate on Autopilot Thinking Inventive Thinking Ability Smart and Fast Thinker, Vadim Kotelnikov



Fast Thinking: Four Special Skills You Need to Master1

❶  Anticipating the future – expecting, being aware of something in advance, regarding as possible

❷  Spotting trends before others

❸  Letting best ideas win through establishing a conducive corporate environment

❹  Assessing the potential of new ideas accurately and quickly




Change Leader: Make decision, Nake decision, Vadim Kotelnikov, innovation project communication 






1. It's not the BIG and eats the SMALL... it's the FAST that eats the SLOW, Jason Jennings and Laurence Haughton

2. Every Business is a Growth Business, Ram Charan and Noel. M. Tichy

How To Think Faster Than Your Competition

To be able to think fast, you need to "understand the primary drivers of change, work at staying plugged in, constantly search for new combinations, and work on developing a sense of heightened perception."1

The fastest companies in the world think fast because of their ability to:



Business BLISS


Search for Opportunities

Opportunity can and does exist within nearly every situation, event, proceeding, or happening. The search for opportunities is not a one time event. It is continuous and on-going. Rapidly changing new economy offers unlimited opportunities, but these changes bring opportunity to those only who can grasp it. Executives who recognize that the days of slow change are over, will find boundless new opportunities around them.  >>>

How To Discover Opportunities

The changes creating new opportunities for innovation can be both within your enterprise or industry and outside them... More

The Power of Your Cross-Functional Excellence

If you build broad cross-functional expertise, no idea will be wasted!

Master of Business Synergies Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Your mind can accept only those ideas that have a frame of reference with your existing knowledge. It rejects everything else. If your knowledge is functionally focused, you'll be open to new ideas related to your functional expertise only and will miss all other learning and innovation opportunities.

If you develop a broad cross-functional expertise and passion for your work, every new idea will immediately connect with the existing knowledge and will inspire, energize you, and encourage your entrepreneurial creativity. The broader your net is, the more fish you catch... More

Entrepreneurial Leader: 4 Attributes  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Idea Management

The difference between success or failure in business could be just one quickly implemented idea. Advanced ideation techniques as well as an idea management system and process can help your company make innovation a discipline. They can help make the hunt for new possibilities each and every department's business, as well as involve broader and more enthusiastic participation among managers and employees... More

Loose-Tight Leadership

Ask Searching Questions

Don't ask one or two questions and then rush straight towards a solution. With an incomplete understanding of the problem it is very easy to jump to wrong conclusions.

Ask open-ended searching questions that elicit a wide rage of answers:

  • 'Why' questions  to discover the roots of the problem

  • 'How' questions to discover different routes to significant improvement... More

Jack Welch's 5 Strategic Questions


Jack Welch advice business quotes

The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and put it into action – fast.

Jack Welch