3Bs of
Strategic Creativity
dominant organizations that are devoted to short-term, bottom-line,
hard-data orientations usually neglect strategic leadership development and
therefore breed left-brain dominant executive who seldom find time to
vision and
build teams,
develop people, or
plan meeting, except
in a kind of crisis way.
9 Signs of a
Losing Organization
No wonder many individuals and institutions are
caught going in the wrong direction, being in the wrong jungle, or leaning
against the wrong wall. Strategic leadership can eliminate such misdirection
and make things right again," writes
Steven Covey in
Principle-Centred Leadership.
Corporate Strategy:
2 Logics

As a strategic leader responsible for the
enterprise strategy development and
implementation your prime responsibility is to ensure that your organization is
going in the right direction and
out from the competition. You can provide a
vision and
motivate through
love and
passion, and build a
synergistic team based on
mutual respect if you are more
effectiveness-minded than
efficiency-minded and more concerned with
mission, direction and
results than with rules,
systems, and procedures.
Leadership-Management Synergy