
Innopreneurial simulation games
"Innovation Football" and "Innovation Chess"
 help strengthen an innovation team,
business model
Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and
sustainable competitive advantage ‒ all within few hours.  >>>


Innoball - Innovation Football Benefits: Stronger Competitive Advantage, Business Strategies, Business Model, Entrepreneurial Games, Strategic Simulation, Vadim Kotelnikov



Innompic Games

Innompic Games are intellectual Olympics for disruptive innovators ‒ people who change the World. A key competitive advantage of Innompic Games is that they allow Internet spectators to participate in various entrepreneurial creativity contests and win prizes.


Innompic Games Benefits




Our team of the founders of Cimcoin and CimJoy has diverse cross-functional expertise. Our personal auras also create great synergy... More

Founding Team example: Cimcoin, Cimjoy, Vadim Kotelnikov, founders, Sergei Fedorov, Alexey Federov



Master of Business Synergies (MBS)

MBS is not about mastering operations, it is about inspiring synergistic innovation Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book. MBS helps you discover new growth opportunities, synergize diversities. and build sustainable competitive advantage.  >>>


Master of Business Synergiers (MBS) Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Cross-functional Expertise Entrepreneurial Creativity Vadim Kotelnikov New Business Models Synergistic Innovation Synergistic Margeting and Selling Synergy Synergistic Partnerships Synergistic Diversification Synergistic Selling Synergistic Marketing Innovation Portfolio Innovation System Value Innovation Surpise To Win Synergistic Organization Master of Business Synergies (MBS)



Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools

Kore 10 innovative thinking tools help ‒ inter alia ‒ strengthen cross-functional creativity of disruptive innovators, synergize diversities and build sustainable competitive advantage.

Kore 10 Innovative thinking tools also streamline generation and cross-pollination of ideas in an innovation team by defining action areas for each tool.. More


  Sustainable Competitive Advantage  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book



  3 Strategies of Market Leaders  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book


Case Studies Apple

Steve Jobs explained the great success of his first computer as follows:  "Part of what made the Macintosh great was that the people working on it were musicians, and poets, and artists, and zoologists, and historians who also happened to be the best computer scientists in the world,"... More

Case Studies Warren Buffett's Key To Investing

Warren Buffett was once asked what is the most important thing he looks for when evaluating a company to invest in. Without hesitation, he replied, "Sustainable competitive advantage".... More

3Ws of Venture Investing

Case Studies Dell

Starting with an idea, Michael Dell created Dell Inc. with $1,000 startup capital in 1984 when he was 20. Three years later, the market value of the company was $85 million. The private placement memorandum published in July 1987 listed and described the three key strengths that gave the company a competitive advantage:

  1. The ability to produce a line of high performance products compatible with accepted standards.

  2. The ability to maintain an efficient and flexible manufacturing operation resulting in a streamlined asset base.

  3. Dell's direct relationship marketing concept: "With an average of approximately 1,400 telephone calls received daily... More

Case Studies GE

Behave Like a Small Company

Jack Welch, the legendary leader of GE, believed that small companies have huge competitive advantages. They "are uncluttered, simple, informal. They thrive on passion and ridicule bureaucracy. Small companies grow on good ideas – regardless of their source. They need everyone, involve everyone, and reward or remove people based on their contribution to winning. Small companies dream big dreams and set the bar high  – increments and fractions don't interest them."... More

Harness Your People for Competitive Advantage

Involve everyone. Business is all about capturing intellect from every person. The way to engender enthusiasm it to allow employees far more freedom and far more responsibility... More

Case Studies

New business model developed by creates value for customers by offering a synergistic combination of the following benefits:

  • Shopping convenience

  • Ease of purchase

  • Speed

  • Decision-enabling information

  • A wide selection

  • Discounted pricing

  • Reliability of order fulfillment

No single aspect of's business model is sufficient to create a sustainable competitive advantage. It is the synergistic combination of all of these information services and logistical processes that creates value for customers and comprise's competitive advantage.... More

Case Studies Charles Schwab

Initially Charles Schwab, a discounted stock brokerage company, routinely outsourced, like other financial services firms, their back office information technology to other companies. After a while, Chuck Schwab, the founder of the company, realized that if he was going to quickly grow the company Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and gain a competitive advantage, he had to own the technology... More

Smart Business Architect  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book



Case Studies Toyota

Toyota’s global sustainable competitive advantage is based on a corporate philosophy known as The Toyota Way as well as lean manufacturing know as the Toyota Production System. The system aimed at continuous improvement Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book depends in part on a human resources management policy that stimulates employee creativity and loyalty but also on a highly efficient network of suppliers and components manufacturers... More

Case Studies Microsoft

7-Part Competitive Strategy

Although Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft, built his empire on technological products, his business mastery is even more important than his technical skills, and his competitive urge is a huge driving force.  The early success of Microsoft was founded on the company's 7-part competitive strategy... More

The Concept of Network Externality

One of Bill Gate's favorite concepts is network externality. This holds that ubiquity creates a sustainable advantage, and the value of a product increases with the size of its installed base. Increase the number of your products significantly and you have an explosion of use that leads to related products and vastly increased value Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book.

Shared knowledge is another source of sustainable advantage... More