I worked in a 3Cs company once. It was an awful  and frustrating experience.

Today, I build and lead 3Ss businesses only.

  3Ss secrets of Great Performance and 3Cs resons of underperfomance



3Ss of Great Performance:
Stretch, Synergy, Speed

Stretch. The bigger the challenge you address, the bigger your awakening. Stretch your imagination and efforts, stretch your goals, and they will stretch you, your capabilities and achievements. Play entrepreneurial simulation games with your disruptive ideas to achieve far more than you aspired initially.

Synergy. Synergy is the benefit derived from combining two or more elements so that the performance of the combination is higher than that of the sum of the individual elements. The arithmetic of synergy is '1+1=11’. Help you top managers, especially the Head of Growth, become masters of business synergies (MBS).

Speed. Speed is a highly important component of competitiveness in the marketplace. Fast thinking, fast decision making, fast implementation, fast delivery, fast response are characteristics of market leaders.


Successful Company

Hot Intrapreneurial Teams

Innovation Performance

10 Rules for Building a Great Business

Growth 10+

3Ss of Winning

Business BLISS


Fast Company

Leading vs. Lagging Companies

Master of Business Synergies (MBS)





3Cs of Poor Performance

The 3Cs of poor performance are Copying, Complacency and Comfort.

Replacing any of 3Ss with any C will degrade performance like a rotten apple that spoils the barrel.


Why Startups Fail

9 Signs of a Losing Organization

Barriers to Change





Performance Management

Performance management can help your company plan, measure, and enhance progress more effectively.

Benchmark yourself on a global scale in every area.

Ask learning SWOT questions after every experiment, discover opportunities for improvement and adapt accordingly.


Performance-based Company

Benefits of Performance Management

Head of Growth

Systems Approach



Lessons from Business Legends e-book PowerPoint slide deck for teachers  

"Speed keeps businesses – and people – young... Speed exhilarates and energizes.”
 ~ Jack Welch

"You should learn from your competitors, but never copy. Copy and you die."
~ Jack Ma

"Comfort, complacency, and confidence – the "three Cs" – spell disaster for an entrepreneurial company."
~ Miles Spencer & Cliff Ennico



Peter Drucker management quotes

A leader must set strict principles of conduct and responsibility,high standards of performance, and respect for the individual and his work.






Your growth boosters


Teaching by Example