
See farther by standing on the shoulders of giants


On the soulders of giants



Strategies of
World-changing Firms

* * *

Apple's Innovation Strategies

Focusing on and making the best things in the World


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Steve Jobs advice quotes

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

Steve Jobs



Systemic Approach to Innovation

Apple is widely considered as the #1 innovative company in the world. The company’s innovation strategy involves terrific new products and innovative business models.

  Steve Jobs Here's to the crazy ones quote


Steve Jobs advice quotes

We don’t get a chance to do that many things, and every one should be really excellent. Because this is our life.

Steve Jobs



The company delivers consumers with a succession of presents – great software in fabulous hardware in beautiful packaging (“really good ideas wrapped up in other really good ideas,” says Michael Lopp).

Apple is a disruptive innovator. The company also pioneers into new business spaces, creates game-changing innovations (examples: iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad) and established new market niches.



Steve Jobs advice quotes

Here's to the crazy ones...
the ones who change the world.

Steve Jobs



Apple innovation leaders think in terms of platforms and pipelines and relentlessly push the pace of innovation. Competitors that chase Apple's latest release find themselves behind when just a few months later Apple introduces its latest and greatest offering. Focusing on where they can make a significant contribution Apple hires great innovators who want to make the best things in the world.



Steve Jobs advice quotes

The people are the moving force behind our innovation excellence. My job is to create a space for them

Steve Jobs



Innovative Business Models

Apple doesn’t just focus on building innovative and beautiful products. It builds innovative business models too. The iPod and iPhone would not have had nearly as much impact if they hadn't been matched with iTunes and the App Store respectively.


Innovative Business Models

Driving Forces

Stand Out

3Bs of Strategic Creativity



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Innovation Success 360

Apple leverages its diverse culture, innovation processes, partners and networks to seize the new opportunities in the marketplace and grow its business exponentially.

Innovative partnerships are an important part of the Apple’s innovation strategy.

To stay ahead, Apple usually over-invests in its supply chain.




Apple's Innovation System

Apple’s commitment to innovation is cultural, not process driven. The most successful products at Apple were started with only a few people with no formal structure or hierarchy and little corporate oversight. Yet, “to turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines,” advised Steve Jobs. Apple has built an effective innovation system to harnesses creativity in its people, stimulate new ideas, streamline the design process, and launch successful, profitable new innovations.


Innovation System

Innovation System in Silicon Valley Firms

Strategic Alignment

Organization and People

The Jazz of Innovation

Empowered Cross-functional Innovation Teams




Steve Jobs advice quotes

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs



Apple's Design Process

Apple has repeatedly demonstrated with its innovation management what a success user friendliness and design can generate. Genius ergonomics make Apple products effortless to use.“

  Innovation Process holistic approach A to Z 360 course


Steve Jobs advice quotes

I’ve always wanted to own and control the primary technology in everything we do.

Steve Jobs



Venture Acquisition Strategy

Apple's venture investing and acquisition strategy is not very aggressive To stay ahead, Apple usually over-invests in its supply chain. The company is reported to pay a significant portion of the factory construction cost in exchange for exclusive rights to the output for a set period of time, and then for a discount once this period expires. Not only does this allow Apple to come out with new components long before rivals, but these components are very difficult to duplicate.

The company makes fewer acquisitions than their competitors. When Apple does buy companies, it's almost always tight lipped about how they will fit into its strategy and how easily their technologies can be integrated into existing company projects. Yet, some acquisitions stand out in terms of adding important features to existing product lines or opening doors into new markets.


Venture Strategies

Venture Acquisitions

In-company Startups


Venture Investing

Jobs vs. others

New Product Design

How To Use Disney Creativity Strategy

InnoBall simulation game

Stronger Business Case

Greater Business Design

Greater Results




Steve Jobs advice quotes

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?

Steve Jobs



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Success Lessons from Steve Jobs

Do what you love to do and make a difference

Be Crazy

People Power

Innovation Excellence

Sell Dreams and Emotional Benefits


Lessons from Business Legends slide deck for teachers education


Apple's Innovation Strategies

Apple's Design Process

Disney's Creativity Strategy

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