Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

If you really want to understand someone, become him.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon


Listen: Listening is a MUST-HAVE leadership skill.
Leadership is a responsibility.

Active listening is one of the vital skills that help a leader to understand how to execute their duty flawlessly.

Leadership is based on clear communication. As a leader, you need to influence the people you are leading. To persuade your team, you need to communicate to them with clarity.

What is Leadership: helping others shine, Vadim Kotelnikov, leader quotes, Andron Konchalovski

For example, as a financial adviser, you need to help your clients discover the best financial strategies. However, you need to listen and emphasize with their story. You need to listen to their needs and understand how to pass your message.

Most people confuse listening with hearing.

Listening is paying attention to what is said and understanding the message. It means that you get the information and the emotional context of the message.

Listening= {Information + Emotional Context} Attention

Hearing on the other side is passive. When you hear, you perceive sound. You might or might not understand the information passed on because you did not pay attention.

Leadership knows how to listen.

Listening helps you to be in touch with the emotions of the people you are leading. When you are in touch with their feelings, you can easily persuade them.




"Empathy is valued currency. It allows us to create bonds of trust, it gives us insights into what others may be feeling or thinking; it helps us understand how or why others are reacting to situations, it sharpens our “people acumen” and informs our decisions." ~ Bruna Martinuzzi



As a leader, when listening, do not listen to respond. Listen to understand. Often, when you listen to respond, you get distracted by your thoughts as you think of the appropriate response. Usually, you only listen partially and then immediately start to think of an answer. You miss out on understanding the whole story.

Listen to understand, not respond.

To do this effectively, one should learn to encourage the speaker to continue talking. Let them fully express their story. It gives you more time to gather more information and emotional context.

Encourage speaker to speak more-Listen more.

Listening is a way to show the speaker that you care. As you listen you communicate to them that they matter. It is an effective way to convey empathy. Listening is a useful skill to esteem the person who is expressing themselves.

Listening is about them − not you. So stop eagerly waiting for them to stop talking so that you can jump in with your response or perceived solution or your own ‘similar’ story.

The speaker has their own solutions. They are capable of coming up with their solutions even if they might not think so, or you might not also be thinking so. Your role as a leader is to communicate that as you listen, pay attention to their non-verbal communication and encourage them to continue talking.

Listening = Empowering speakers to believe in themselves.

To be an active listener, you need to learn how to listen with your body language. You need to show the person that you are interested in their story. Your body language should also communicate the same.

● Maintain eye contact with the speaker as they talk without staring
● Ensure that your body is facing the speaker
● If you are seated, lean forward as the person speaks
● Nod your head to signal to them to continue speaking
● Engage your hand gestures in encouraging them to speak
● Mirror their sitting or standing posture

Lastly, remember that useful listening skills make the difference between a good leader and a weak leader.





 "Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say."  ~ Andy Stanley