Vadim Kotelnikov    

Motivation Case Studies

Getting people to do something because they want to do it


Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo   Business e-Coach  


 The best performers are not those who are skilled best, but those who are motivated most.





Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

To motivate your people,
find the right fit for every person and
help them grow!

Vadim Kotelnikov

Michael Dell advice

Mobilize your people around a common goal. Help them feel a part of something genuine, special, and important... More

Michael Dell

Dell Inc.

Steve Jobs advice quotes

My job is to not be easy on people.

My job is to make them better.

Steve Jobs


Jack Welch advice business quotes

Provide rewards

for the soul and for the wallet.

Jack Welch


Akio Morita advice quotes Sony

From a management standpoint, it is very important to know how to unleash people's inborn creativity.

Akio Morita


Bill Gates advice

Pick good people,
use small teams,
give them excellent tools.

Bill Gates


Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

By paying more attention to employees' strengths, you would be more likely to think of ways to put those strengths to good use.

Konosuke Matsushita

Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

A paycheck and a stock option will buy one kind of loyalty. But nothing can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, sincere words of praise.

Sam Walton
