Corporate Strategy: 2 Logics Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book


Yin-Yang of Strategic Management

Strategy Management  >>  3 Levels

Corporate Strategy    Business Strategies



7 Routes to High Profits

Corporate Vision, Mission, Goals

Develop a Shared Vision

Competitive Strategies: 2 Types

Proactive Innovation    Proactive Change

Business Portfolio Analysis

Create New Market Niches    Strategic Flexibility

Create a GREATER Strategy with INNOBALL

Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. Strategy should be a Stretch exercise, not a fit exercise.

To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. A successful strategy adds value for the targeted customers over the long run by consistently meeting their needs better than the competition does.

Surprise to Win: 3 Strategies Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Strategy is the way in which a company orients itself towards the market in which it operates and towards the other companies in the marketplace against which it competes. It is a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable advantage over the competition.

Competitive Strategies: 2 Types

The central strategic issue: why different companies, facing the same environment, perform differently.

Strategy answers the following questions:

Strategy is an agreed-on guide to action that should lead business to success in the marketplace.

3 Strategies of Market Leaders Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Strategy formulation is the major task for the entrepreneur Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and CEO, but it is the task of middle managers and project managers to carry this strategy out and turn it into results.

Business Synergies Approach to Project Management